Huygens probe

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The Cassini-Huygens project was a *cooperative #harmonious #reciprocal #united project between NASA and ESA. The Huygens probe descended into the atmosphere of Titan, Saturn’s largest moon, in 2005. It provided a #complicated *detailed #intensive #point-by-point study of Titan’s atmosphere during its 2.5-hour descent to the surface. It relayed data and images from Titan’s muddy #atmosphere #area #land *surface for another hour and 10 minutes. | The primary scientific *goals #ideas #intentions #targets of the mission included a diverse set of investigations of Saturn, its moons, and its near environment. | The 3,132-kilogram orbiter with an #early #introductory *original #planned design life of 11 years was powered by three radioisotope thermoelectric generators. | Huygens was designed to investigate Titan’s atmosphere, #as_well_as #besides *including #together_with chemical properties, wind, temperature, and pressure profiles from about 100 miles (170 kilometers) down to the moon’s surface. The probe was not designed to survive past landing *although #and #despite #however scientists did not rule out the possibility. | On Christmas Day 2004 at 02:00 UT, the Huygens lander, which had remained #asleep #dead *dormant #inert for more than six years, separated from Cassini and began its 22-day coast to Titan. | Huygens began #transferring #translating *transmitting #transporting a wealth of information back to Cassini for more than two hours before impacting on the surface of Titan. Landing *coordinates #data #directions #positions were 192.32 degrees west longitude and 10.25 degrees south latitude, about 7 kilometers from its target point.

Source: NASA (2021) Huygens. Available at: (Accessed: 25 April 2022).