Harvard: books

Ebooks and printed books.

One author

In-text citations

Author’s surname with year. Optional: page number.

While revising and editing may happen simultaneously, they are two separate processes (Shields, 2010, p. 164). As Bailey (2018) advises, ‘take time to revise your work to improve its clarity and logical development’ (p. 82), a point echoed by Godfrey (2013), who points out that professional writers tend to revise their work several times (p. 103).

Reference list

Author (Year) Title. Edition. Place: Publisher.

Bailey, S. (2018) Academic writing : a handbook for international students. 5th edn. Abingdon: Routledge.

Godfrey, J. (2013) How to use your reading in your essays. 2nd edn. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Shields, M. (2010) Essay writing : a student’s guide. London: Sage.

Two authors

In-text citations

Authors’ surnames with year. Optional: page number.

According to Gravelle and Rees (2004), an oligopoly exists ‘when a firm believes that the outcome of its decisions depends significantly on the decisions taken by one or more other identifiable sellers’ (p. 400), while Sloman and Jones (2014) distinguish between collusive and non-collusive oligopolies. It can be argued that oligopolies restrict production and earn excess profits (Lahiri and Ono, 2003).

Reference list

Author and Author (Year) Title. Edition. Place: Publisher.

Gravelle, H. and Rees, R. (2004) Microeconomics. 3rd edn. Harlow: Pearson Education.

Lahiri, S. and Ono, Y. (2003) Trade and industrial policy under international oligopoly. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Sloman, J. and Jones, E. (2014) Essential economics for business. 4th edn. Harlow: Pearson Education.

Three authors

In-text citations

Authors’ surnames with year. Optional: page number.

Baylis, Smith and Owens (2017, p. 200) point to several explanations for the divergence between East and West: for example, the frequency of wars in Europe. An alternative explanation is the ability of Western liberal constitutions to contain internal conflict (North, Wallis, and Weingast, 2009).

Reference list

Author, Author and Author (Year) Title. Edition. Place: Publisher.

Baylis, J., Smith, S. and Owens, P. (2017) The globalization of world politics : an introduction to international relations. 7th edn. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

North, D. C., Wallis, J. J. and Weingast, B. R. (2009) Violence and social orders : a conceptual framework for interpreting recorded human history. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Four or more authors

Use only the first author’s name + et al. (= and others).

In-text citations

First author’s surname followed by et al. with year. Optional: page number.

According to Dean et al. (2011, p. 351), around 70% of elements have more than one stable isotope. Four elements comprise about 96% of living matter (Campbell et al., 2018, p. 77).

Reference list

First author et al. (Year) Title. Edition. Place: Publisher.

Campbell, N. A. et al. (2018) Biology : a global approach. 11th edn. Harlow: Pearson.

Dean, J. R. et al. (2011) Practical skills in chemistry. 2nd edn. Harlow: Pearson.

Edited book

In-text citations

Editors’ surnames with year. Optional: page number.

A considerable amount of literature has been published on rural poverty: see, for example, Desai and Potter (2014), Clark (2006) and Daniels et al. (2016).

Reference list

Editor(s) (ed./eds) (Year) Title. Edition. Place: Publisher.

Clark, D. A. (ed.) (2006) The Elgar companion to development studies. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.

Daniels, P. et al. (eds) (2016) An introduction to human geography. 5th edn. Harlow: Pearson Education.

Desai, V. and Potter, R. B. (eds) (2014) The companion to development studies. 3rd edn. Abingdon: Routledge.

Chapter in an edited book

In-text citations

Chapter author’s surname with year. Optional: page number.

The infant mortality rate averaged 56 per 1,000 live births in south-central Asia and 80 in sub-Saharan Africa, compared to about 4 in North America and most of Europe (Ballas and Dorling, 2016). In South Asia, South East Asia and sub-Saharan Africa, over 75% of the poor live in rural areas (Heinemann, 2014). Ellis (2006) observes that poorest and most vulnerable people in rural areas are those who rely most on agriculture, especially when growing food crops.

Reference list

Chapter author(s) (Year) ‘Chapter title’, in Editor(s) (ed./eds) Title. Edition. Place: Publisher, pp. Page numbers of chapter.

Ballas, D. and Dorling, D. (2016) ‘Demographic transformations’, in Daniels, P. et al. (eds) An introduction to human geography. 5th edn. Harlow: Pearson Education, pp. 79-106.

Ellis, F. (2006) ‘Rural poverty reduction’, in Clark, D. A. (ed.) The Elgar companion to development studies. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 530-534.

Heinemann, E. (2014) ‘Rural poverty’, in Desai, V. and Potter, R. B. (eds) The companion to development studies. 3rd edn. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 225-229.

Old book

When referring to a historical text, you probably won’t have the original printed book. Instead you will have a more recent edition or an online copy of the original.

Scanned book available online

Cite it like the original printed book. You do not need to include the URL. See the references below for these books: Darwin (1859) and Smith (1776).

Author(s) (Year) Title. Edition. Place: Publisher.

Darwin, C. (1859) On the origin of species: by means of natural selection, or the preservation of favoured races in the struggle for life. London: John Murray.

Smith, A. (1776) An inquiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of nations. Vol. I. London: W. Strahan and T. Cadell.

Online version, not a scan

Author(s) (Year) Book title. Available at: URL (Accessed: Access date).

Wilde, O. (1891) The soul of man under socialism. Available at: (Accessed: 10 February 2022).

New edition

Printed or online. Use the year of the new edition, not the original year. In your text you could mention that the author was writing in an earlier period.

Writing in 1859, Darwin (2009) argued that ...

Author(s) (Year of new edition) Title. Edition. Place: Publisher.

Darwin, C. (2009) On the origin of species: by means of natural selection or the preservation of favoured races in the struggle for life. London: Penguin.

Smith, A. (2008) An inquiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of nations: a selected edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press.