Reporting verbs

Discussing and examining

Elsewhere Hobbs (1998) addressed the ecology and economy of Sinai opium production, paying particular attention to plant ecology and microhabitats.
Nelson (2000) analysed 469 Halloween costumes and classified a mere 8.7% as gender neutral.
The study by Carr (2001) compared and contrasted the perceived placement learning opportunities offered by hospital and community-based placements.
Merrick (1997) considered the decline in abundance of forage fish a possible factor in the decline of apex predators in the Gulf of Alaska and Bering Sea.
Furthermore, Baake (2003) describes how this resonance may vary for people of different backgrounds and social situations.
Seed protein contents were measured by the method described by Jackson (1962).
This line of argument is further developed by Bartel (2004).
Cochran-Smith (1991) discusses two approaches to preparing teachers to ‘teach against the grain’.
However, previous studies discussed by Shane (1990) suggest that an adult bottlenose dolphin may consume between 4% and 6% of their body mass daily.
Newell, MacFarlane, Lusht, and Bulloch (1993) examined the real estate market in Sydney, Australia.
Abdullah (1985) explored the effects of work-family conflict on professional Malaysian women.
Furthermore, Li and Zhu (2003) investigated the damage in the intestinal epithelial cell membrane as a result of heat stress in mice and reached the same conclusion.
Greene (1992) presents a careful and the most recent analysis of this issue.
A more modest estimate of the carbon debt is presented by Raina (2002).
Previously, Reis, Neu, and McGuire (1997) reviewed research on students with learning disabilities who were also gifted.
This model has been reviewed and refined by Engelson (1989) and has been widely used.
Shachar (2012) studied the role of dealers in providing liquidity.
The lack of correspondence between children’s and parents’ attitudes in the present study was also found in a sample of 89 school-age children studied by Malkus (1992).
In a recent study using this method, Madaus, Banerjee, and Hamblet (2010) surveyed disability services offices at 183 higher education institutions.

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Referring to other sources

As noted in the review of literature, Sundberg (1979) agreed with Seashore (1938) that the musical ear is extremely generous.
Glusman and Kepner (1988) cited a 1988 survey that indicated that over 60 percent of joint ventures fail.
For example, Wiggins (1984) mentions a series of studies into mental practice carried out by physical educator William Anderson in 1897-1898.
Klope (1995, p.113) refers to Van Dijk who discovered that many prejudices we hold are traceable to children’s books and textbooks.

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This is what Kane (1992) calls an argument-based approach to validity.
Blockstein (2002) defines credibility as ‘capable of being believed’.
Nonetheless, the role for monetary policy is limited in that it must be passive, as defined by Leeper (1991).
Roberts and Styron (2009) referred to this as ‘psychological comfort’ (p.3).
The most notable challenge involves the social scientist’s ‘ways of thinking’, or what Kuhn (1970) refers to as ‘paradigms’.

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Arguing and claiming

As Lewis and Westlund (2014) argued, ‘The big-data phenomenon raises many relevant questions for news media.’
Porter and Claas (1995) assert that pollution abatement is accompanied by improvement in production efficiency.
Sobel (1996) believes that children’s empathy with the natural world is critical.
The concept of experience is, as Oakeshott (1933) claimed, one of the most difficult words in the philosophical vocabulary.
Majid (2014) contended that using this combined method captures the interest of students.
As Weiss (1979) maintains, children in single-parent homes must ‘grow up a little faster’.
Bunzl (2005) sees the ‘the new anti-Semitism’ in Europe as comparatively less pressing than Islamophobia.
Reinbot, Duda, and Ntoumanis (2004) stressed the importance of the social environment of an athletic team.

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Providing information

Moreover, Marcia (1989) added that the processes of exploration and commitment are best promoted in a secure environment.
Collier (1995) explains that second-language acquisition is a complex phenomenon and a lifelong developmental process.
Similarly, Feuerstein (1992) included a rating scale ranging from 0 (difficult) to 100 (easy) to indicate the perceived difficulty of the listening situation by the listener.
The concept of relative deprivation was introduced by Stouffer (1949) in his studies on The American Soldier.
Fischer and Turner (1970) noted that there are essentially four factors affecting help-seeking behaviours.
As noted by Hutchinson (1996), SEM data provide clinicians with a level of confidence around any individual obtained score.
The concept of generalized symbolic mediators was introduced by Parsons (1963), and its significance for anthropology has been outlined by Turner (1968).
point out
However, Martin (2004) pointed out the need for more research on many of these alternative approaches.
Similarly, Grasha (1994) provides a conceptual framework of various teaching styles.
A thorough review of the history of conch mariculture was provided by Creswell (1994).
Misra and Singh (2002) reported that animals watered once a day had lower feed intake.
These figures are slightly below the 36% reported by Snyderman (1991).
Students learn important research and writing skills, and as Carter (1991) says, the results are ‘nothing short of electric’ (p. 292).
As O‘Neil, Fisher and Rietschel (2014) stated, ‘The online learning environment is accessible anytime and anywhere.’
The musicologist Van der Merwe (1992) wrote, ‘From infancy Africans are trained to hear the six-pulse unit as interchangeably 3 + 3 and 2 + 2 + 2, beginning with the lullabies they hear from their mothers.’

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Focusing and emphasizing

Kasperson (1992) emphasized the need for similar studies to clarify the effects of social amplification.
Olsen (1970) focused on African Americans who had identified themselves as members of an ethnic minority versus those who did not.
Freeman and Johnson (1998) highlighted the central role of the teacher in language teacher education.

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However, Pearlin and Schooler (1978) demonstrated that avoidant coping can be adaptive.
On another level, Grossen and Kelly (1992) showed that direct instruction is an effective method in a Third-World context.

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Finding and concluding

In another work, Ehri (2000) concluded that learning to read and learning to spell are closely related.
In addition, Salameh (2011) discovered that students who opted to study English literature in the Hashemite University conceptualize English as a perfect global language to be learnt.
Armstrong (1991) estimated that the number of women getting tattooed has quadrupled over the past 40 years.
Brown and Medoff (1989) found that larger employers, on average, pay higher salaries.
It is entirely possible that the more commonly measured frontal electrodes would have revealed such a difference, as found by Saarela (2000).
Ridley-Duff and Bull (2011) identified two types of social enterprises: non-profit and forprofit.
The second objective of the study was to examine the relationship between reaction times and the six major primary abilities originally identified by Thurstone (1938).
Data from the NCES (2013) indicate that lower socio-economic students are at a higher risk of being bullied.
Casagrande (1981, pp.260-61) observes that across Ecuador similar opinions are held.

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Claiborne and Vandenburgh (2001) proposed a new role for social workers in disease management.
The model proposed by Horowitz (1992) showed that the listing price has to balance two opposite and competing effects on the expected outcome.
Walsh and Buckley (1994) recommended addressing the social stigma of homelessness through developmental counselling.
The current investigation utilized an inductive approach to data analysis recommended by Hatch (2002).
Karsten (2007) suggests that housing quality is composed of two major components: site and situation.
As suggested by Warnier (1993), the king himself is considered a ‘container of vital substances’ indispensable for the well-being of the village.

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